Axolotls: The “Walking Fish”

Where do Axolotls Live?

Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico but Lake Chalco was drained.

Interesting facts about Axolotls

  • They always smile.
  • They can regrow parts of their bodies.
  • They come in five colors: pink, black, yellow, brown, blue, and green.
  • They are endangered.

Why are Axolotls So Popular?

  1. Because they are adorable.
  2. Because they are in Minecraft.

What do Axolotls Eat?

Axolotls eat crustaceans, worms, and sometimes small fish.

Pictures of Axolotls

Pokemon Inspired by Axolotls

Axolotls also show up in Pokemon. There are three Pokemon inspired by axolotls: Wooper, Chansey, and Mudkip.


